AIR2-DSK heat exchanger for both heating and cooling in the British poultry industry

ITB Climate is currently introducing its AIR2-DSK Heat Exchanger through its dealer network in the UK. The Air2-DSK from ITB has been specially developed to cool poultry sheds in the summer and heat them in the winter. Poultry farmers can improve the climate in their sheds and enhance their animals’ health and growth to achieve a better production yield. The Air2-DSK saves energy by recovering heat in the winter and reducing the use of ventilation fans in the summer. Reduced ammonia and fine particulate matter emissions are further benefits.

60% Energy savings and a healthier climate thanks to recovered heat

Laying hens and broilers generate a great deal of heat, which is often released to the outside air via the ventilation system in current sheds. With the Air2-DSK heat exchanger from ITB, you recover the heat generated by the animals and reuse it in your own poultry shed in the winter. The AIR2-DSK from ITB incorporates extra-long, horizontally arranged lamellae. The warm outgoing air from the poultry shed flows over the lamellae, which contain cold incoming ambient air. By heating the incoming ambient air in the winter, farmers can prevent exposure of the animals to cold, dampness and draughts and also avoid fluctuations in the indoor climate. As a result, the animals spread out better in the poultry shed. They are calmer and experience less stress. Due to the greater use of heat in the poultry shed, farmers can even continue to ventilate optimally on cold days. This leads to a better climate and healthier animals.


Cooling without increasing the level of humidity in the poultry shed

The redesigned AIR2-DSK from ITB features a sprinkler system for the summer cooling function. The warm incoming air from the outside is cooled by spraying cold (ground) water over the lamellae. Poultry farmers can lower the temperature in the poultry shed by 4°C to 10°C with this system. Because the cooling water and incoming air (in the lamellae) do not come into contact with each other, the level of humidity in the poultry shed remains low. As a result, the animals can dissipate their body heat better. Cooling in the summer leads to better results, less stress and a much quieter environment at the farm.


70% Reduction of ammonia and fine particulate matter

Use of the AIR2-DSK in combination with circulation fans reduces ammonia emissions by 70%. The emissions of fine particulate matter and CO2 also reduce by up to 50%. The heat exchanger model with the lamellae is registered in the Netherlands as a certified system for particulate matter reduction (BWL 2021.01) and ammonia reduction (BWL 2010.13.v7).  The AIR2-DSK heat exchanger is corrosion-free and manufactured entirely from high-grade, recyclable plastics. Heat exchangers from ITB are easy to install and can be linked with nearly all brands of climate control computer.