
  • 33.000 m3/h heat exchangers with tubes
  • Barn with 3000 fattening pigs in Beers, The Netherlands

At the barn with fattening pigs from mr. Oosterlaken in Beers, The Netherlands, the first AIR2-Pigs was placed in 2014. The heat exchanger is placed on top of the air scrubber, against the central exhaust of the newly build barn with 3000 fattening pigs. The heat exchanger has 4320 PVC tubes and a capacity of 33.000 m3/h. The stand-alone system is connected to for ITB developed unit from Stienen BE.

The exhaust air reaches the heat exchanger after it has passed the air scrubber and subsequently is passes exhaust chimneys. The intake air is brought into the building below the floor. Recirculation fans distribute the air in the length of the barn.

The system functions well. Looking back, mr. Oosterlaken has said a system was a higher capacity, to ventilate even more, would have been a good option.

AIR2-Pigs geplaatst op luchtwasserAIR2-Pigs placed on air scrubber

Plaatsing van AIR2-Pigs achter gevelInstallation of AIR2-Pigs at gable end